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Kent Happy.png

Anniversaire Spring.png 4 Printemps
Vit à Pelican Town
Adresse 1 allée des Saules

Jodi Icon.png Jodi (Femme)

Sam Icon.png Sam (Fils)

Vincent Icon.png Vincent (Fils)

Mariage Non
Meilleurs cadeaux Fiddlehead Risotto.png Risotto aux fougèresRoasted Hazelnuts.png Noisettes grillées
« « I don't know if I'll ever get used to being back home. The peacefulness of the town feels like a mask. That's probably just me though. »
— Kent

Kent est un villageois qui vit à Pelican Town. Il est parti servir dans l'armée pendant la première année et retourne vivre dans la ville au printemps de la deuxième année. La première année, on peut trouver des références à lui dans le tiroir de la chambre de Jodiainsi qu'un dialogue avec Vincent "Papa rentre bientôt[...]".

Après son retour, il peut y avoir quelques bugs dans lesquels Vincent et Jodi font comme s'il n'était pas encore de retour et disent qu'il lui manque.


Ci-dessous, le calendrier de Kent, hiérarchisé de haut en bas. Par exemple, s'il pleut, ce programme remplace tous les programmes en dessous.

Jour de pluie
6:00h Dans la maison
14:00h Quitte la maison, se tient sous un arbre au nord de la maison
15:00h Retourne à la maison, se tient dans l'entrée
19:00h Se dirige vers la cuisine
21:00h Quitte la maison, se tient sous l'arbre devant la maison
23:00h Retourne à la maison
Vendredi et samedi
7:00h Quitte la maison, tient sous l'arbre entre l'entrée sewer entrance et le pont de la beach
10:30 AM Returns home
2:00 PM Leaves home, stands under tree north of house
5:00 PM Goes to The Stardrop Saloon
11:50 PM Leaves the Saloon and returns home
6:00 AM At home
10:10 AM Leaves home, heads to altar room inside Pierre's General Store
2:00 PM Leaves altar room, moves to Pierre's counter
4:00 PM Leave Pierre's, heads home, stands in entryway
7:00 PM Heads to kitchen
9:00 PM Leaves home, stands under tree in front of house
11:00 PM Returns home
Regular Schedule
7:00 AM Leaves house, stands under tree between sewer entrance and bridge to beach
10:30 AM Returns home
2:00 PM Leaves home, stands under tree north of house
5:00 PM Returns home, stands in entryway
7:00 PM Heads to kitchen
9:00 PM Leaves home, stands under tree in front of house
11:00 PM Returns home


Kent is married to Jodi and together they have two sons, Sam and Vincent.


Article principal: Amitié
Voir aussi: Liste de tous les cadeaux

Vous pouvez donner à Kent jusqu'à deux cadeaux par semaine (plus un le jour de son anniversaire), ce qui augmentera ou réduira son amitié avec vous. Les cadeaux de son anniversaire (Spring.png 4 Printemps) auront un effet 8× et montreront un dialogue unique.
Pour les cadeaux adorés ou aimés, Kent dira

« « Un cadeau d’anniversaire ? C’est très gentil de ta part ! Je l’adore. »
« « Tu te souviens de la date de mon anniversaire ? Merci. C’est génial. »

Pour les cadeaux neutres, Kent dira

« « Oh, un cadeau d’anniversaire ! Merci. »

Pour les cadeaux non aimés ou détestés, Kent dira

« « Oh... c’est pour mon anniversaire ?... Merci. »


« « Oh...! Mom used to give me this when I was a young boy. It brings back wonderful memories. Thank you. »
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Kent Happy.png
Fiddlehead Risotto.png
Fiddlehead Risotto Un plat de riz crémeux servi avec des pousses de fougères sautées. C’est un peu fade... Cooking Oil.png Huile (1)Fiddlehead Fern.png Fougères de Fern (1)Garlic.png Ail (1)
Roasted Hazelnuts.png
Roasted Hazelnuts Le processus de torréfaction apporte une riche saveur forestière. Cooking Hazelnut.png Noisette (3)


« « Hey, now this is a really great gift. Thanks. »
Image Name Description Source
Kent Happy.png
Daffodil Une fleur de printemps traditionnelle qui fait un joli cadeau. Foraging - Spring

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


« « That's kind of you. The family will like this. »
Image Name Description Source
Chanterelle Un champignon savoureux avec une odeur fruitée et une saveur légèrement poivrée. Foraging - Fall
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Avec un léger goût de noisette et une bonne texture. Foraging - Fall
Dandelion Pas la plus jolie des fleurs. Ses feuilles en revanche, sont très bonnes en salade. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut Cette noisette est énorme ! Foraging - Fall
Leek Un légume savoureux de la famille de l’oignon. Foraging - Spring
Morel Recherchée pour son goût de noisette unique. Foraging - Fall
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom Un champignon rare trouvé au fond des grottes. Foraging - The Mines
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish Une racine piquante qu'on trouve au printemps. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root.png
Winter Root Tubercule riche en amidon. Foraging - Winter


« « Ah... It's a... what is this, exactly? Hmm... »
Image Name Description Source
Kent Concerned.png
Quartz Un cristal clair communément trouvé dans les grottes et les mines. Mining
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam Cette petite patate douce se cachait sous la neige. Foraging - Winter


« « This... They gave this to me in Gotoro prison camp. I've been trying to forget about that. *shudder*. »
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Kent Annoyed.png
Algae Soup.png
Algae Soup C’est un peu visqueux. Cooking Green Algae.png Algues vertes (4)
Holly Ses feuilles et ses baies rouge vif en font une décoration d’hiver populaire. Foraging - Winter
Sashimi Poisson cru coupé en fines lamelles. Cooking Fish.png Poisson (Quelconque) (1)
Tortilla Peut servir d'assiette ou bien être mangée. Cooking Corn.png Maïs (1)

Heart Events


At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Kent. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Kent increases.

Item Description
Cherry Bomb.png Petite bombeBomb.png BombeMega Bomb.png Méga-bombeBattery Pack.png Pile This item was collecting dust in the toolshed. I thought you might be able to use it.


Three Hearts I

Three Hearts.png

Enter Kent's home while he and Jodi are both there.

When the player enters Jodi and Kent's house, a cut scene begins and player walks into the kitchen and Jodi says, "Hi, Player! I'm just making some popcorn." Kent screams and runs into the kitchen exclaiming "That sound... You should've known that sound would remind me of the war!" Jodi stops the popcorn, and Kent goes on to lament the loss of his friends. Jodi says, "But, dear... popcorn was always your favorite before you left." Kent responds with, "...Things have changed." Jodi then quietly asks the player's character if they can say something to Kent. There are three choices:
  • Jodi's to blame... she should've known better (-25 amitié.) Kent gets angry and says, "You keep quiet! Stop trying to turn me against my wife." Then apologizes to Jodi.
  • I know you're hurting... but don't blame your wife. (+50 amitié.) Kent says the player is "absolutely right," and apologizes to Jodi.
  • (Lie) Blame me... I asked for popcorn. (-50 amitié.) Kent gets angry and says, "Don't lie to me! I hate lies more than anything!" Then apologizes to Jodi.

Three Hearts II

Three Hearts.png

After reaching three hearts with Kent, he will send the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Crispy Bass.png
Crispy Bass Picked up this recipe overseas. Enjoy.

Want to say thanks for making me feel welcome.


Seven Hearts

Seven Hearts.png

After reaching seven hearts with Kent, he will send the player a recipe in the mail.

Image Recipe Description
Super Meal.png
Super Meal Picked up this recipe overseas. Enjoy.

Want to say thanks for making me feel welcome.




First Meeting

« « Um, hello there. My name's Kent. I just got back last night... from overseas. My wife told me that a new farmer had moved in while I was gone.

Well, I just wanted to introduce myself... I'll see you around. »


« « Hello, farmer. I've been gone so long... I feel like a stranger. »
« « I don't know if I'll ever get used to being back home. The peacefulness of the town feels like a mask. That's probably just me though. »
« « Things haven't changed much since I've been gone. Well, except that you're here. »
« « Things haven't changed much since I've been gone. Except that we have a new farmer in town. »
« « You've been here a while now, haven't you? Your farm must be thriving. »
« « I've been up since 4 o'clock... sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get back into a normal routine. »
« « Sam has really grown up since I left. He's a man now. I wish I could've been there for him. »
« « Are you friends with my son? You probably know him better than I do... »
« « It looks like a decent day for fishing, doesn't it? »
« « Jodi tells me you've really become a part of this community. I'm glad to hear it. »
« « I don't know what to do with myself now that I'm back. I'm used to having more structure in my day. »

6+ Hearts

« « ...I lost a lot of friends in battle. What's sad is that I can't even remember their faces. »

8+ Hearts

« « I have trouble sleeping, so please excuse me if I seem tired. I'm sure you can understand. »

If Player is married to Sam

« « Hey, [Player]. Are you enjoying the married lifestyle? »

Egg Festival

« « I'm not a big fan of eggs, to tell you the truth. »

Flower Dance

« « This open field... it makes me nervous. *whisper* Happy thoughts, Kent. Happy Thoughts. »

The Luau

« « Hey, good to see you. »

Dance of the Moonlight Jellies

« « Good evening, [Player]. Hope you can find some time to relax before the harvest season. »

Stardew Valley Fair

« « I'm waiting for this clown to start doing something funny. Pretty disappointing. »

Spirit's Eve

« « Hey, [Player]. Nice evening, isn't it? »

Festival of Ice

« « I like winter. It's peaceful. »

Feast of the Winter Star

« « Good afternoon, [Player]. Happy Feasting. »


  • Kent has PTSD from the time he's served in the war. This can be noted by his reaction to the popcorn sound in his Three Heart Event and his dislike of open fields in the Flower Dance. Kent can also explain in a dialogue to the player that his fatigue is due to difficulty sleeping, a symptom of PTSD.
  • In a dialogue that occurs on Fridays, Sam reveals that Kent used to be a garbage man when they lived in Zuzu City.
  • In a dialogue that occurs on Mondays in Summer, Sam says that Kent took him on trips to the desert when he was younger.
  • Despite the fact Kent likes eggs, he tells you during the Egg Festival that he isn't a big fan of eggs.




  • 1.4 : Fixed bug where all recipes would be sent at 3 friendship hearts.
