Historique des versions console
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Stardew Valley a été initialement publié le 26 février 2016 pour Windows sur PC. Il a été porté sur PlayStation 4 et Xbox One à la mi-décembre 2016, Switch le 5 octobre 2017, et PS Vita le 22 mai 2018 (États-Unis) et le 24 mai 2018 (Europe).
Pour connaître tous les détails des changements apportés à la version PC du jeu, voir Historique des versions.
Pour connaître tous les détails des changements apportés à la version mobile du jeu, voir Historique des versions mobiles.
PlayStation 4
La dernière version PS4 est l'équivalent de la Version PC 1.5.4.
Note : La Version PS Vita est télechargeable depuis la même boutique, mais ne dispose pas des dernières mises à jour du jeu en raison de limitations matérielles et de la prise en charge du système d'exploitation.
- Stardew Valley a été publiée le 30 avril 2021, et correspond à la Version PC 1.5.4.
- Bugs corrigés
- Correction des plantages dans les transitions de carte.
- Correction des plantages en jouant en ligne avec de plus grandes fermes.
- Correction d'une fuite de mémoire à partir de la fonctionnalité de capture d'écran.
- Correction d'une fuite de mémoire graphique en écran partagé.
- Correction d'un crash dans la barre de flotteur lors de la pêche.
- Correction d'un crash dans le journal pour certaines quêtes.
- Correction d'un crash multijoueur lors de la déconnexion.
- Correction d'un crash dans Caverne du Crâne.
- Stardew Valley a été publiée le 15 février 2021, et correspond à la version PC 1.5.4.
- Bugs corrigés
- Correction d'un problème où le sol dans certaines zones apparaissait bleu uni.
- Correction d'un problème où l'interface utilisateur apparaissait décalée sur les paramètres de zoom autres que 100 %.
- Stardew Valley 1.5.4 a été publiée le 11 février 2021, et correspond à la version PC 1.5.4.
- Porté depuis la version PC
- Inclut les changement des versions Stardew Valley 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, et 1.5.4 depuis PC.
- Stardew Valley 1.4.4 a été publiée le 31 Janvier 2020, et correpond à la version PC 1.4.4.
- Porté depuis la version PC
- Inclut les changement des versions Stardew Valley 1.4.4 depuis PC.
- Changements
- Ajout de la possibilité de prendre des captures d'écran de la ferme.
- Correction d'un crash lors du port de l'anneau de napalm.
- Sol fixe en brique se transformant en parquet du jour au lendemain.
- Correction d'un problème où appuyer sur A tout en effectuant certaines actions ouvrait par erreur le clavier à l'écran.
- Correction de divers problèmes audio, tels que la chute d'effets sonores après une pause pendant le spectacle de la sirène.
- Ajustement des commandes d'accès au chat en jeu.
- Correction de problèmes mineurs liés aux objets qui se balancent de haut en bas (casiers à crabes, indicateurs d'objets prêts, etc.)
- Stardew Valley 1.4.3 a été publiée on 20 Décembre 2019, et correspond à la version PC 1.4.3.
- Porté depuis la version PC
- Inclus les changement des versions Stardew Valley 1.4.3 depuis PC.
- Changements
- Les actions Accepter/Sélectionner ou Annuler/Retour seront désormais mappées différemment en fonction de l'affectation du bouton Entrée.
- Mode de rangement des objets désactivé par défaut.
- Bugs corrigés
- Réduction des problèmes au niveau de la fréquence d'images lors du passage entre les niveaux de la mine.
- Correction d'un problème où le jeu pouvait planter dans certains cas lorsqu'un anneau (comme le Bague en napalm) aurait causé la mort d'un autre ennemi.
- Correction potentielle d'un plantage lié à l'affichage de données de quête invalides dans le journal des quêtes.
- Stardew Valley 1.4.2 a été publiée le 16 décembre 2019, et correspond à la version PC 1.4.2.
- Porté depuis la version PC
- Inclus les changement des versions Stardew Valley 1.4, 1.4.1, et 1.4.2 depuis PC.
- Stardew Valley 1.31 sur PlayStation est sorti le 28 septembre 2019.
- Bugs corrigés
- Correction d'un crash périodique lors de la lecture en coopération.
- Correction d'une fuite de mémoire en coopération.
- Correction des noms localisés pour les recettes d'artisanat.
- Stardew Valley 1.3 sur PlayStation 4 est sorti le 24 septembre 2019, et reflète la version PC 1.3.36. (Il n'y a pas de notes de version officielles ; celles-ci ont été créées sur la base des versions PC équivalentes.)
- Nouveau contenu
- Prise en charge des langues française, coréenne, italienne, Hongroise et Turque.
- Ajout du multijoueur. Cela inclut le chat avec des émoticônes personnalisées et de nouveaux bâtiments Cabane.
- Ajout de l'événement Marché nocturne.
- Ajout de la mise à niveau communautaire à Scierie.
- Ajout de bacs d'expédition à construire à l'atelier de charpentier.
- Ajout de la rencontre Abigail au niveau 20 dans les mines.
- Ajout de nouveaux événements de coeur pour Jas, Linus, Pam, Vincent et Willy.
- Ajout de nouveaux événements de coeur lorsque le joueur a donné un bouquet à tous les célibataires.
- Ajout de salles de coffres au trésor rares dans Caverne du crâne.
- Ajout de nouveaux monstres dans la Caverne du crâne : Fantôme de carbone, Chauve-souris d'iridium et Crabe d'iridium.
- Ajout de Notes secrètes et des quêtes associées.
- Ajout de nouveaux objets : Récolteur automatique, Graines de cactus, Pot de jardin, Pancarte en bois et Pancarte en pierre, Lewis en or massif, Perle, Bague de mariage, nouvelles peintures, et des objets décoratifs vendus dans les magasins et les festivals tout au long de l'année.
- Ajout du savoir de l'ours, du charme spécial, la Maîtrise de l'oignon de printemps.
- Ajout de la statue de l'incertitude pour changer de profession.
- Ajout d'un papier à lettres différent pour les lettres de Sandy et du Sorcier.
- Cheval ajouté chapeaux.
- Ajout d'un nouveau menu Crédits pour remplacer le menu "À propos" sur l'écran titre et suppression de la commande de chat /credits.
- Équilibrages
- Augmentation du prix d'achat du bois, de la pierre, des minerais et du charbon au cours de l'année 2+. L'or reçu pour les vendre est inchangé.
- Prix réduit du Bac à fleurs de 1000po à 250po, et recette de 2000po à 1000po.
- Casser de petites souches d'arbres fournit désormais +1 XP de recherche de nourriture.
- Une fois que le joueur atteint le fond de la mine...
- tessons prismatique et diamants peuvent rarement tomber d'un monstre ;
- gemmes et champignons violets peuvent être trouvés lors de la recherche de poubelles ;
- les gemmes et les champignons violets peuvent être demandés dans les quêtes des PNJ ;
- certains monstres seront plus forts.
- Autres changements
- Une fois que le joueur aura atteint le fond de la mine, le nain assistera aux mariages.
- La citrouille dorée est maintenant un objet aimé universellement (au lieu d'être détesté).
- Ajustement de plusieurs sprites de paquets de graines.
- Ajustement du portrait de dialogue de M. Qi.
- Vous pouvez maintenant ajouter le short du maire Lewis à la soupe de la Fête Hawaïenne.
- Vous pouvez maintenant mettre du Quartz de feu dans la Fournaise pour produire du Quartz raffiné.
- Vous pouvez maintenant remplir un arrosoir à l'évier de la cuisine.
- Les cheminées sont désormais des meubles : vous pouvez donc les déplacer et en acheter plusieurs différentes.
- Les arbres fruitiers ne peuvent pas être plantés au-dessus des décorations dans la bordure de la serre ou dans les coins de la serre.
- Amélioration des traductions chinoises.
- Amélioration de certaines descriptions d'objets.
- Amélioration des performances dans les endroits avec beaucoup de sources de lumière (par exemple, torches).
- Amélioration des performances dans les fermes qui abritent beaucoup d'animaux.
- Porte du Cabanon centrée.
- Bug fixés
- Correction des codes d'apparitions des items autorisés dans les noms de personnages.
- Correction des cultures récoltées avec une faux ne donnant pas d'XP.
- Correction des ruches donnant toujours du miel sauvage lorsqu'elles étaient utilisées dans des fermes personnalisées.
- Correction des graines plantées hors saison disparaissant.
- Correction de l'annulation de l'effondrement du joueur lorsqu'il ouvre le journal.
- Correction des bugs d'humeur et de bonheur des animaux.
- Correction de l'exploit d'échange d'objets du Cristalarium.
- Mobilier fixe pouvant être utilisé pour compléter des lots.
- Correction de certaines recettes autorisant le lait, mais pas le gros lait.
- Correction d'un crash survenu après 596 heures de jeu.
- Correction de l'apparition d'un escalier aux mines niveau 120 lorsqu'un objet placé est détruit.
- Plusieurs corrections de grammaire et d'orthographe.
- Correction des descriptions Graines de blé et Graines de chou chinois en portugais brésilien.
- Panneau de ressort fixe sur les bains publics en chinois.
- Correction des fichiers de sauvegarde susceptibles d'être écrasés si vous démarrez un nouveau fichier après avoir utilisé "Retour à l'écran titre".
- Correction d'un bug empêchant les bâtiments d'être placés là où il y aurait un chemin/carreau de sol devant la porte.
- Correction de la musique qui ne joue pas au festival de la fête hawaïenne et en ville.
- Correction des plantages occasionnels des clients par temps de pluie.
- Correction du menu de chargement affichant 'pas de parties sauvegardées' lors de la recherche de fichiers.
- Correction d'un crash qui se produisait si vous entriez en collision avec un monstre sur la première image où vous entriez dans un nouvel emplacement.
- Correction d'un problème graphique de rotation des meubles.
- Correction d'un problème de localisation en allemand avec '% Farm' apparaissant dans le texte au lieu du nom de la ferme.
- Correction des slimes qui ne bondissaient pas correctement.
- Correction d'un crash lié à l'audio souvent causé lors de l'utilisation de bombes.
- Correction des Junimos laissant tomber les récoltes sur le sol au lieu de les ramasser.
- Correction des PNJ traversant les portes du saloon.
- Correction de la réinitialisation de la couleur des yeux au brun après le rechargement.
- Correction de l'impossibilité d'utiliser la tige / la fronde dans les mini-jeux du festival.
- Correction du bouton de retour du menu titre caché derrière les sous-menus.
- Correction de l'impossibilité de bouger après avoir reçu un cadeau à la Fête de l'Étoile Hivernale.
- Correction d'un crash lors de la sauvegarde après que le jeu ait ajouté le short de Lewis à la maison de Marnie.
- Correction d'un crash lors de l'affichage de la carte lorsqu'un autre joueur participe à certains événements.
- Correction du "double son" lors de l'utilisation de la pierre chantante.
- Correction d'une violation de la Convention de Genève (en remplaçant les croix rouges dans les graphiques).
- Correction de la possibilité pour les événements nocturnes d'annuler ou de sauter un événement de mariage.
- Correction de l'impossibilité de placer des objets donnés sur les deux rangées inférieures du musée.
- Correction des ouvriers agricoles incapables de ramasser les objets qu'ils ont déposés lors des festivals.
- Correction de l'événement intérieur de la maison améliorée de Pam qui ne se produisait pas.
- Correction du softlock causé par une capacité erronée à utiliser des poignards lors d'événements.
- Softlock fixe lorsque vous jouez au Journey of the Prairie King après 2h du matin.
- Correction des chansons en double dans le jukebox.
- Correction d'un bug où la musique ne joue pas correctement le matin.
- Correction d'un bug où donner un cadeau à un PNJ faisait que l'action de cadeau se produisait deux fois en succession rapide.
- Correction d'un bug de rotation des meubles pour les "tabourets".
- Correction de Junimos ne disparaissant pas après le dernier au revoir.
- Stardew Valley 1.2 sur PlayStation 4 est sorti le 22 juin 2017 et reflète la PC version 1.2.31.
- Changements
- Traductions pour allemand, espagnol, portugais brésilien, russe, japonais et chinois simplifié.
- Lors de l'utilisation d'un contrôleur, le curseur s'aligne par défaut entre les boutons de menu. Si vous désactivez cela, le curseur accélérera à la place tout en se déplaçant.
- Lorsque vous utilisez un contrôleur, appuyez sur le bouton de retour pour sauter les événements qui sont sautables.
- Bugs fixés
- Les papiers peints et les sols n'ont plus d'indicateur de placement de carreaux montrant un objet aléatoire
- Stabilité accrue du code de sauvegarde des préférences.
- Correction d'un crash qui pouvait se produire lorsqu'un cochon essayait de faire apparaître une truffe mais qu'il n'y avait pas de place pour cela.
- Correction de quelques rares plantages qui auraient pu se produire à tout moment pendant le jeu.
- Correction d'une faute de frappe du mot "pronounce" dans l'événement de mariage.
- Correction du joueur qui n'obtenait pas la recette des cookies s'il sautait l'événement d'Evelyn.
- Le niveau d'agriculture affecte désormais le rendement des cultures avant le niveau 10.
- Correction des plantages lors du chargement des fichiers de sauvegarde.
- Correction des plantages lors de la sauvegarde en raison de la quête de massacre de monstres.
- Améliorations mineures des performances de la ferme. (spécifique à la console)
- Corrections audio diverses. (spécifique à la console)
- Suppression de l'onglet réalisations de la fenêtre de collecte (spécifique à la console).
- Stardew Valley 1.03 on PlayStation 4 was released on 31 January 2017.
- Changes
- Share overlay image in PS4 streams has been removed.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed potential loss of item in cursor slot when clicking the bundles tab in the pause menu.
- Fixed crash when hatching / buying baby blue chickens.
- Fixed crashes that sometimes occur when clearing quests out of the quest log.
- Petting a fully-happy animal no longer wraps happiness around to 0.
- Animals with a deluxe product no longer produce less at higher happiness.
- Fixed a golden pumpkin duplication exploit.
- Fixed 'Exit to Title' causing some values and bits of world state to be 'carried over' between games. This affected, among other things, the availability of chests in the mines.
- Fixed crashes while saving.
- Possible fix for fertilizer boxes being placed instead of fertilizer.
- Missing heart characters have been fixed.
- Stardew Valley 1.02 on PlayStation 4 was released on 17 December 2016, and reflects PC version 1.11. It addressed a few major bugs, and made some console specific controller mapping changes.
- Changes
- The L2 and R2 buttons can now be used to switch buildings in carpenter menu.
- The shipping menu can now be closed by pressing the TOUCH PAD button.
- The CIRCLE button can now be used to close Grandpa’s letter.
- CIRCLE button now goes back one page when you’re in a specific bundle of the Junimo menu.
- CIRCLE button now returns a held item to your inventory in Bundle menu in the Community Center.
- Made harvesting easier by also checking beneath the player when pressing the CROSS button.
- SQUARE button can now be held down to auto-repeat while in menus.
- The TOUCH PAD button can now be used to advance the “Level Up” dialog.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed crash sleeping on 3rd or 4th day when playing with OS in non-English languages (German, Portuguese).
- Fixed About button (?) to be unclickable during main menu transitions.
- Fixed crash when sleeping if you built a Junimo Hut and the Witch visits you.
- Fixed a crash when sleeping that would prevent a player from advancing past year 1, day 28.
- Moved in some HUD elements that were too close to the edge of the screen.
- Cursor position will no longer affect item placement if it is currently invisible.
- We now show the ground placement indicator for seeds, like other objects.
- Fixed incorrect tool hit location in some situations.
- Fixed some cases of the game becoming stuck after using “Exit to Title”.
- Cursor will no longer interact with HUD menus if it is currently invisible.
- Fixed toolbar becoming stuck partially transparent.
- Stardew Valley 1.0 on PlayStation 4 was released on 13 December 2016. There are a number of changes to make it run and improve handling on this console, but otherwise it reflects PC version 1.11.
- Changes
- Initial version (see PC version 1.11 and earlier).
- Adjusted mouse speed/tracking when moving over something clickable.
- Console-specific controller UI integration (controller maps, controller button hints, and button scheming).
- Console-specific optimizations.
PS Vita
The latest version for PS Vita is equivalent to PC version 1.2.33. This platform won't receive later content updates (including multiplayer) due to platform limitations.
- Stardew Valley 1.02 on PS Vita was released on 20 June 2018.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed crash which could occur when using the Hoe within the mines.
- Fixed crash during Shane's two-heart event.
- Fixed issue causing music to stop (and not resume) when the app is hibernated or a screenshot is taken.
- Fixed periodic crash which could occur after several hours of gameplay.
- Stardew Valley 1.01 on PS Vita was released on 06 June 2018.
- Bug fixes
- Fix crash when earning PS trophies already earned on a linked PS4 save.
- Stardew Valley 1.0 on PS Vita was released on 22 May 2018 (US) and 24 May 2018 (Europe). There are a number of changes to make it run and improve handling on this console, but otherwise it reflects PC version 1.2.33.
- Changes
- Initial version (see PC version 1.2.33 and earlier).
- Console-specific controller UI integration (controller maps, controller button hints, and button scheming).
- Console-specific optimizations.
Nintendo Switch
La dernière version sur Switch est l'équivalent à PC version 1.5.4.
- Stardew Valley was released on 18 June 2021, and matches PC version 1.5.4.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed more gameplay bugs and crashes.
- Fixed some randomization bugs.
- Fixed multiplayer crashes on bigger farms.
- Stardew Valley was released on 4 March 2021, and matches PC version 1.5.4.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where the ground or flooring in some areas would appear solid blue.
- Fixed issue where UI would appear offset on zoom settings other than 100%.
- Stardew Valley 1.5.4 was released on 11 February 2021, and matches PC version 1.5.4.
- Port from PC
- Includes the changes in Stardew Valley 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, and 1.5.4 from PC.
- Stardew Valley 1.4.4 was released on 31 January 2020, and matches PC version 1.4.4.
- Port from PC
- Includes the changes in Stardew Valley 1.4.4 for PC.
- Changes
- Added the ability to take screenshots of the farm.
- Fixed a crash when wearing the Napalm Ring.
- Fixed brick flooring turning into wood flooring overnight.
- Fixed an issue where pressing A while performing certain actions would erroneously open the onscreen keyboard.
- Fixed various audio issues, such as dropped sound effects after pausing during the Mermaid Show.
- Adjusted the controls for accessing the in-game chat.
- Fixed controller applet not appearing when docking.
- Fixed minor issues related to objects that sway up and down (crab pots, item ready indicators, etc.)
- Stardew Valley 1.4.3 was released on 10 January 2020, and matches PC version 1.4.3.
- Port from PC
- Includes the changes in Stardew Valley 1.4.3 for PC.
- Changes
- Accept/Select or Cancel/Back actions will now be mapped differently depending on the Enter Button Assignment.
- Item stowing mode disabled by default.
- Bug fixes
- Reduced frame rate hiccup when going between mine levels.
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash in certain cases when a ring (such as the Napalm Ring) would have caused another enemy to die.
- Potential fix for a crash related to viewing invalid quest data in the quest log.
- Stardew Valley 1.4.2 was released on 16 December 2019, and matches PC version 1.4.2.
- Port from PC
- Includes the changes in Stardew Valley 1.4, 1.4.1, and 1.4.2 from PC.
- Stardew Valley 1.3.37 on Switch was released on 08 November 2019, and reflects PC version 1.3.36. (There are no official release notes; these were created based on the equivalent PC releases.)
- Changes
- Bug fixes
- Fixed bug where music doesn't correctly play in the morning.
- Fixed bug where giving a gift to an NPC caused the gift action to happen twice in rapid succession.
- Fixed furniture rotation bug for "stools".
- Fixed Junimos not disappearing after the final goodbye.
- Stardew Valley 1.3.33 on Switch was released on 21 January 2019.
- Changes
- Improved performance in locations with lots of light sources (e.g., torches).
- Improved performance on farms with lots of animals.
- Tweaked new "H" health icon.
- Bug Fixes
- Fixed multiplayer visual glitch when another player uses a tool and then starts moving in a new direction.
- Fixed "fishing stance" visual glitches in multiplayer.
- Stardew Valley 1.3 on Switch was released on Nintendo Switch on 12 December 2018. There were a few minor adjustments specific to this update to accommodate Switch, but otherwise it's equivalent to PC version 1.3.32.
- Changes
- Added multiplayer. This includes voice chat, text chat, and new Cabin buildings.
- Added Night Market event.
- Added Community Upgrade to Carpenter's Shop.
- Added buildable shipping bins to Carpenter's Shop.
- Added Abigail encounter at level 20 in the mines.
- Added new heart events for Jas, Linus, Pam, Vincent, and Willy.
- Added new heart events when player has given a bouquet to all bachelors or bachelorettes.
- Added rare treasure chest rooms in Skull Cavern.
- Added new monsters in the Skull Cavern: Carbon Ghost, Iridium Bat, and Iridium Crab.
- Added Secret Notes and related quests.
- Added new items: Auto-Grabber, Cactus Seeds, Garden Pot, Wood Sign and Stone Sign, Solid Gold Lewis statue, Pearl, Wedding Ring, new paintings, and decorative items sold at shops and festivals throughout the year.
- Added Bear's Knowledge, Special Charm, Spring Onion Mastery.
- Added Statue Of Uncertainty to change professions.
- Added different stationery for letters from Sandy and the Wizard.
- Added horse hats.
- Balance changes
- Increased purchase price of wood, stone, ores, and coal in the year 2+. The gold received for selling them is unchanged.
- Reduced price of Tub o' Flowers from 1000po to 250po, and recipe from 2000po to 1000po.
- Breaking small tree stumps now provides +1 foraging XP.
- Once the player reaches the mine bottom...
- prismatic shards and diamonds may rarely drop from any monster;
- gems and purple mushrooms may be found when searching trash bins;
- gems and purple mushrooms may be requested in NPC quests;
- some monsters will be stronger.
- Other changes
- Once the player reaches the mine bottom, the Dwarf will attend weddings.
- Golden Pumpkin is now a universal love (instead of universal hate).
- Tweaked several seed packet sprites.
- Tweaked Mr. Qi dialogue portrait.
- You can now add Mayor Lewis' shorts to the Luau soup.
- You can now put Fire Quartz in the Furnace to produce Refined Quartz.
- You can now refill a Watering Can at the kitchen sink.
- Fireplaces are now furniture, so you can move them around and buy different fireplaces.
- Fruit Trees cannot be planted on top of decorations in the Greenhouse border, or in the corners of the Greenhouse.
- Replaced gold display on player menu from "g" to "金" in Chinese.
- Improved Chinese translations.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed crops harvested with a scythe not giving XP.
- Fixed bee houses always giving wild honey when used on custom farms.
- Fixed seeds planted out of season disappearing.
- Fixed player collapse being cancelled when they open the journal.
- Fixed animal mood & happiness bugs.
- Fixed crystalarium item swap exploit.
- Fixed furniture being usable to complete bundles.
- Fixed some recipes allowing Milk, but not Large Milk.
- Fixed crash that occurred after 596 hours of gameplay.
- Fixed staircase being spawned on mine level 120 when a placed object is destroyed.
- Several grammar/spelling fixes.
- Fixed Wheat Seeds and Bok Choy Seeds descriptions in Brazilian-Portugese.
- Fixed spring sign on bathhouse in Chinese.
- Fixed a German localisation issue with '%Farm' appearing in text instead of the farm's name.
- Fixed a Geneva Convention violation (by replacing red crosses in graphics).
- Fixed the inability to place donated items on the bottom two rows of the museum.
- Changes specific to Switch
- Fixed item spawn codes allowed in character names. (This was required by Nintendo since it can cause crashes.)
- Stardew Valley 1.2.36 on Switch was released on 29 November 2017.
- Changes
- Players should see a significant improvement on save times! Also, the saving screen is now animated.
- The new video recording feature is now supported!
- When a controller connects or disconnects, the Controller Support Applet now appears to ask which controller you want to use to play the game, instead of silently switching to the new controller.
- Bug fixes
- The game now detects Simplified / Traditional Chinese environments on first start up and defaults to the Simplified Chinese localisation instead of English.
- Fixed issue that created the unintended ability to skip saving at night with a well-timed button press.
- Fixed an issue causing the player character (and sometimes important NPCs) to appear off-screen during certain cutscenes.
- Fixed a temporary soft lock that occurred when the player pressed A and B together while eating or drinking an item.
- Fixed a way for players to temporarily lose access to essential tools via the chest interface’s organize button.
- Fixed the Wizard’s slay monster quest sometimes asking you to kill 0 monsters.
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred while sleeping (before saving) if any essential tools were not in your inventory at the time.
- Fixed the wrong tooltips sometimes appearing on the bundle interface in the Community Center area.
- Fixed the inability of players to drop items without deleting them when using the cursor mode that snaps to UI elements.
- Morning music is no longer looped endlessly, and now fades out during the day as it should.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when opening the journal with no quests.
- Fixed occasional inability to select certain items in the crafting menu.
- Fixed a crash that occurred when pressing the ‘-‘ button when playing a minigame at the Saloon.
- Fixed button controls for the Prairie King minigame shooting in the wrong direction.
- Fixed occasional left channel audio crackling
- Fixed lack of vibration in handheld mode
- Stardew Valley 1.2.35 on Switch was released on 05 October 2017.
- Changes
- Added an extended message on the saving screen warning the player not to turn off the console.
- Stardew Valley 1.2.34 on Switch was released on 05 October 2017. There were a few minor adjustments specific to the Nintendo switch release of the game, but otherwise it reflects PC version 1.2.31.
- Changes
- Initial version (see PC version 1.2.31 and earlier).
- Translations for German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Japanese and Simplified Chinese.
- When using a controller, the cursor will snap between menu buttons by default. If you disable that, the cursor will instead accelerate while moving.
- When using a controller, pressing the back button will skip events that are skippable.
- Bug fixes (equivalent to PC)
- Wallpapers and floors no longer have a tile placement indicator showing a random object
- Increased stability of preference-saving code.
- Fixed a crash that can happen when a pig tries to spawn a truffle but there’s no space for it.
- Fixed a couple of rare crashes that could have occurred at any time during the game.
- Fixed a typo of the word ‘pronounce’ in the marriage event.
- Fixed the player not getting the recipe for Cookies if they skip Evelyn’s event.
- Farming level now affects crop yield prior to level 10.
- Fixed crashes while loading save files.
- Fixed crashes while saving due to slay-monster quest.
- Minor performance improvements on the farm. (Console Specific)
- Miscellaneous audio fixes. (Console Specific)
- Removed achievements tab from collection window (Console Specific).
- Bug fixes (specific to Switch)
- Fixed a few instances of cases where altering the zoom level breaks UI layout.
- Fixed inability to select any option other than the first during the Solarion Chronicles game in Sebastian's event.
Xbox One
The latest version for Xbox One is equivalent to PC version 1.5.4.
- Stardew Valley was released on 15 February 2021, and matches PC version 1.5.4.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where the ground or flooring in some areas would appear solid blue.
- Fixed issue where UI would appear offset on zoom settings other than 100%.
- Stardew Valley 1.5.4 was released on 11 February 2021, and matches PC version 1.5.4.
- Port from PC
- Includes the changes in Stardew Valley 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, and 1.5.4 from PC.
- Stardew Valley 1.4.4 was released on 31 January 2020, and matches PC version 1.4.4.
- Port from PC
- Includes the changes in Stardew Valley 1.4.4 for PC.
- Changes
- Fixed a crash when wearing the Napalm Ring.
- Fixed brick flooring turning into wood flooring overnight.
- Fixed an issue where pressing A while performing certain actions would erroneously open the onscreen keyboard.
- Fixed various audio issues, such as dropped sound effects after pausing during the Mermaid Show.
- Adjusted the controls for accessing the in-game chat.
- Fixed minor issues related to objects that sway up and down (crab pots, item ready indicators, etc.)
- Stardew Valley 1.4.3 was released on 20 December 2019, and matches PC version 1.4.3.
- Port from PC
- Includes the changes in Stardew Valley 1.4.3 for PC.
- Changes
- Accept/Select or Cancel/Back actions will now be mapped differently depending on the Enter Button Assignment.
- Item stowing mode disabled by default.
- Bug fixes
- Reduced frame rate hiccup when going between mine levels.
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash in certain cases when a ring (such as the Napalm Ring) would have caused another enemy to die.
- Potential fix for a crash related to viewing invalid quest data in the quest log.
- Stardew Valley 1.4.2 was released on 16 December 2019, and matches PC version 1.4.2.
- Port from PC
- Includes the changes in Stardew Valley 1.4, 1.4.1, and 1.4.2 from PC.
- Stardew Valley 1.3.37 on Xbox One was released on 08 November 2019, and reflects PC version 1.3.36. (There are no official release notes; these were created based on the equivalent PC releases.)
- New content
- Added French, Korean, Italian, Hungarian, and Turkish language support
- Added multiplayer. This includes chat with custom emotes, and new Cabin buildings.
- Added Night Market event.
- Added Community Upgrade to Carpenter's Shop.
- Added buildable shipping bins to Carpenter's Shop.
- Added Abigail encounter at level 20 in the mines.
- Added new heart events for Jas, Linus, Pam, Vincent, and Willy.
- Added new heart events when player has given a bouquet to all bachelors or bachelorettes.
- Added rare treasure chest rooms in Skull Cavern.
- Added new monsters in the Skull Cavern: Carbon Ghost, Iridium Bat, and Iridium Crab.
- Added Secret Notes and related quests.
- Added new items: Auto-Grabber, Cactus Seeds, Garden Pot, Wood Sign and Stone Sign, Solid Gold Lewis statue, Pearl, Wedding Ring, new paintings, and decorative items sold at shops and festivals throughout the year.
- Added Bear's Knowledge, Special Charm, Spring Onion Mastery.
- Added Statue Of Uncertainty to change professions.
- Added different stationery for letters from Sandy and the Wizard.
- Added horse hats.
- Added a new Credits menu to replace the "About" menu on the title screen, and removed the /credits chat command.
- Balance changes
- Increased purchase price of wood, stone, ores, and coal in the year 2+. The gold received for selling them is unchanged.
- Reduced price of Tub o' Flowers from 1000po to 250po, and recipe from 2000po to 1000po.
- Breaking small tree stumps now provides +1 foraging XP.
- Once the player reaches the mine bottom...
- prismatic shards and diamonds may rarely drop from any monster;
- gems and purple mushrooms may be found when searching trash bins;
- gems and purple mushrooms may be requested in NPC quests;
- some monsters will be stronger.
- Other changes
- Once the player reaches the mine bottom, the Dwarf will attend weddings.
- Golden Pumpkin is now a universal love (instead of universal hate).
- Tweaked several seed packet sprites.
- Tweaked Mr. Qi dialogue portrait.
- You can now add Mayor Lewis' shorts to the Luau soup.
- You can now put Fire Quartz in the Furnace to produce Refined Quartz.
- You can now refill a Watering Can at the kitchen sink.
- Fireplaces are now furniture, so you can move them around and buy different fireplaces.
- Fruit Trees cannot be planted on top of decorations in the Greenhouse border, or in the corners of the Greenhouse.
- Improved Chinese translations.
- Improved some item descriptions.
- Improved performance in locations with lots of light sources (e.g., torches).
- Improved performance on farms with lots of animals.
- Centered shed door.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed item spawn codes allowed in character names.
- Fixed crops harvested with a scythe not giving XP.
- Fixed bee houses always giving wild honey when used on custom farms.
- Fixed seeds planted out of season disappearing.
- Fixed player collapse being cancelled when they open the journal.
- Fixed animal mood & happiness bugs.
- Fixed crystalarium item swap exploit.
- Fixed furniture being usable to complete bundles.
- Fixed some recipes allowing Milk, but not Large Milk.
- Fixed crash that occurred after 596 hours of gameplay.
- Fixed staircase being spawned on mine level 120 when a placed object is destroyed.
- Several grammar/spelling fixes.
- Fixed Wheat Seeds and Bok Choy Seeds descriptions in Brazilian-Portugese.
- Fixed spring sign on bathhouse in Chinese.
- Fixed save files potentially getting overwritten if you start a new file after using exit to title.
- Fixed bug preventing buildings from being placed where there would be a path/flooring tile in front of the door.
- Fixed music not playing at the Luau festival and in town.
- Fixed clients occasionally crashing in rainy weather.
- Fixed the load menu showing 'no saved games' while searching for files.
- Fixed crash that occurred if you collided with a monster on the first frame you entered a new location.
- Fixed furniture rotation graphical glitch.
- Fixed a German localisation issue with '%Farm' appearing in text instead of the farm's name.
- Fixed slimes not pouncing correctly.
- Fixed an audio-related crash often caused when using bombs.
- Fixed Junimos dropping crops on the floor instead of collecting them.
- Fixed NPCs walking through the saloon doors.
- Fixed eye color being reset to brown after reloading.
- Fixed inability to use rod / slingshot in festival minigames.
- Fixed the title menu back button being hidden behind submenus.
- Fixed inability to move after receiving a gift at the Feast of the Winter Star.
- Fixed crash when saving after the game adds Lewis's shorts to Marnie's house.
- Fixed crash viewing the map when another player is in certain events.
- Fixed "double sound" when using singing stone.
- Fixed a Geneva Convention violation (by replacing red crosses in graphics).
- Fixed the potential for overnight events to cancel or skip a wedding event.
- Fixed the inability to place donated items on the bottom two rows of the museum.
- Fixed farmhands being unable to pick up items they dropped in festivals.
- Fixed Pam's upgraded house interior event not happening.
- Fixed softlock caused by mistaken ability to use daggers during events.
- Fixed softlock when you play the Journey of the Prairie King past 2am.
- Fixed duplicate songs in the jukebox.
- Fixed bug where music doesn't correctly play in the morning.
- Fixed bug where giving a gift to an NPC caused the gift action to happen twice in rapid succession.
- Fixed furniture rotation bug for "stools".
- Fixed Junimos not disappearing after the final goodbye.
- Stardew Valley 1.2 on Xbox One was released on 22 June 2017, and reflects PC version 1.2.31.
- Changes
- Translations for German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Japanese and Simplified Chinese.
- When using a controller, the cursor will snap between menu buttons by default. If you disable that, the cursor will instead accelerate while moving.
- When using a controller, pressing the back button will skip events that are skippable.
- Bug fixes
- Wallpapers and floors no longer have a tile placement indicator showing a random object
- Increased stability of preference-saving code.
- Fixed a crash that can happen when a pig tries to spawn a truffle but there’s no space for it.
- Fixed a couple of rare crashes that could have occurred at any time during the game.
- Fixed a typo of the word ‘pronounce’ in the marriage event.
- Fixed the player not getting the recipe for Cookies if they skip Evelyn’s event.
- Farming level now affects crop yield prior to level 10.
- Fixed crashes while loading save files.
- Fixed crashes while saving due to slay-monster quest.
- Minor performance improvements on the farm. (Console Specific)
- Miscellaneous audio fixes. (Console Specific)
- Removed achievements tab from collection window (Console Specific).
- Stardew Valley 1.14 on Xbox One was released on 31 January 2017, and reflects PC version 1.2.31.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed potential loss of item in cursor slot when clicking the bundles tab in the pause menu.
- Fixed crash when hatching / buying baby blue chickens.
- Fixed crashes that sometimes occur when clearing quests out of the quest log.
- Petting a fully-happy animal no longer wraps happiness around to 0.
- Animals with a deluxe product no longer produce less at higher happiness.
- Fixed a golden pumpkin duplication exploit.
- Fixed 'Exit to Title' causing some values and bits of world state to be 'carried over' between games. This affected, among other things, the availability of chests in the mines.
- Fixed crashes while saving.
- Possible fix for fertilizer boxes being placed instead of fertilizer.
- Missing heart characters have been fixed.
- The bug that causes crashes while looking for save files has been fixed.
- Most saves that couldn't be loaded before should now load. In some cases there may be lingering minor graphical issues in save files that *previously couldn't be loaded.
- The following issues are also fixed by the above, but may continue to affect save files they're already present in:
- Crash when speaking to Gunther.
- Incorrect item / object graphics.
- Objects that should be interactive not being interactive.
- Crashes when walking into specific parts of the farm.
- Crashes while harvesting specific crop tiles.
- Crashes while hovering over specific items in your inventory.
- Crashes while shipping specific items.
- Stardew Valley 1.13 on Xbox One was released on 20 December 2016, and reflects PC version 1.11. It addressed a few major bugs, and made some console specific controller mapping changes.
- Changes
- The LT and RT buttons can now be used to switch buildings in carpenter menu.
- The shipping menu can now be closed by pressing the VIEW button.
- The B button can now be used to close Grandpa’s letter.
- B button now goes back one page when you’re in a specific bundle of the Junimo menu.
- B button now returns a held item to your inventory in Bundle menu in the Community Center.
- Made harvesting easier by also checking beneath the player when pressing the A button.
- X button can now be held down to auto-repeat while in menus.
- The VIEW button can now be used to advance the “Level Up” dialog.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed About button (?) to be unclickable during main menu transitions.
- Fixed crash when sleeping if you built a Junimo Hut and the Witch visits you.
- Fixed a crash when sleeping that would prevent a player from advancing past year 1, day 28.
- Moved in some HUD elements that were too close to the edge of the screen.
- Cursor position will no longer affect item placement if it is currently invisible.
- We now show the ground placement indicator for seeds, like other objects.
- Fixed incorrect tool hit location in some situations.
- Fixed some cases of the game becoming stuck after using “Exit to Title”.
- Cursor will no longer interact with HUD menus if it is currently invisible.
- Fixed toolbar becoming stuck partially transparent.
- Stardew Valley 1.12 on Xbox One was released on 14 December 2016. There are a number of changes to make it run and improve handling on this console, but otherwise it reflects PC version 1.11.
- Changes
- Initial version (see PC version 1.11 and earlier).
- Adjusted mouse speed/tracking when moving over something clickable.
- Console-specific controller UI integration (controller maps, controller button hints, and button scheming).
- Console-specific optimizations.