La plage

Révision datée du 21 août 2019 à 19:36 par Margotbean (discussion | contributions) (translate template + EN link)
Robin building.png
« « J'ai encore beaucoup de travail à faire »
— Robine

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Dernière modification par Margotbean le 2019-08-21 19:36:55.

Overview of the Beach.

La plage est localisée au sud de Pelican Town. Durant l'Été les festivals du Pot-au-feu et de la Danse des méduses au clair de lune se déroulent sur la plage. En Hiver, le Marché nocturne y est installé les jours 15, 16 et 17.

Plage principale

Small numbers of forageables can be found lying on the main beach. To the south are the main docks where the Fish Shop is located. To the east of the main beach entrance is Elliott's Cabin. At the easternmost edge of the main beach is a small broken bridge, that crosses to the tidal pools.

La Cabane d'Elliott

Elliott's Cabin is located north of the Fish Shop. Elliott spends much of his time inside, and much of the remainder standing in front of the campfire south of his cabin.


La Poissonnerie se situe sur le quai principal, elle appartient à Willy, qui l'a tient également. It sells various Fishing supplies.

Tidal Pools

This area can only be accessed after the broken bridge is repaired with 300 pieces of wood. Forageables can also be found here, especially after a storm. Sea Urchins can only be found here.

There is a small dock to the south of the tidal pools.

The Old Mariner can be found at the northern edge of the tidal pools when it is raining or during stormy weather. The old mariner does not come during Winter, unless a Rain Totem is used.


  • The broken bridge here is the bridge to the eastern section of the beach, not the quarry bridge that is repaired by completing the Crafts Room bundles in the Community Center.
  • Although it would logically be salt water and dangerous to many plants, you can fill the watering can from the ocean the same as anywhere else.
  • You can catch saltwater fish in the river before it reaches the sea; in reality, this would still be freshwater and so therefor river fish.


  • Sometimes the Sea Monster will make an appearance in the ocean waters, under the dock.
  • On the northwestern side of the beach there is a suspicious looking opening between two trees. However the path is blocked by a bunch of woodplanks.
  • On Summer 12-14, a larger number of shells can be found.