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Anniversaire Summer.png 17 Été
Vit à Pélican Ville
Adresse 1 allée des Saules

Kent Icon.png Kent (père)

Jodi Icon.png Jodi (mère)

Vincent Icon.png Vincent (frère)

Mariage Oui
Meilleurs cadeaux Cactus Fruit.png Fruit de cactusMaple Bar.png Gâteau à l'érableTigerseye.png Oeil-de-tigrePizza.png Pizza
Robin building.png
« « J'ai encore beaucoup de travail à faire »
— Robine

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Dernière modification par Nanas Sama le 2019-05-26 21:04:40.

« « Sam est un garçon ouvert, amical, débordant d'énergie et jeune. Il joue de la guitare et de la batterie et souhaite créer un groupe avec Sebastian dès qu'ils auront assez de chansons ensemble. Cependant, il a l'habitude de démarrer des projets ambitieux sans les terminer. Sam est un peu stressé par le retour imminent de son père, parti depuis des années en raison de son métier. »
Dev Update #12

Sam est un Villageois qui vit à Pélican Ville. Il est l'un des douze personnages disponibles pour le Mariage. Il habite dans la partie sud de la ville, juste au nord de la rivière, à 1 allée des Saules.

Sam est un jeune homme dynamique et énergique passionné de musique. Il travaille à temps partiel chez JojaMart.


On peut souvent voir Sam en train de pratiquer sa guitare chez lui. Il est également souvent vu à l'extérieur de chez lui en train de jouer à un jeu vidéo sur son portable ou de tenter des tours de skateboard. On weekends he can be found playing pool at The Stardrop Saloon. He works part-time on Monday and Wednesday at JojaMart (if it is in business), or at the Museum in the Artifacts and Minerals display (if the Community Center has been restored). He frequents the Stardrop Saloon during spring, goes to The Beach during summer, and visits the woods west of town in the fall.

When it's raining he'll often stay home all day, or visit the Stardrop Saloon for a few hours.

On the 11th of Fall, he has an appointment at the clinic.

His schedule can deviate if there are specific conditions like season, weather or certain days of the week. Below are his schedule deviations prioritized highest to lowest (for example when it rains that schedule will override all others below it)

Spring.png Printemps


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and stands in the middle of his bedroom.
11:00 AM Leaves his bedroom and walks to JojaMart.
12:50 PM Arrives at JojaMart and starts work.
4:00 PM Finshes work at JojaMart and walks home.
6:00 PM Arrives in his bedroom and stands in front of his bookshelf.
9:30 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and stands in the middle of his bedroom.
10:40 AM Plays his guitar in his bedroom.
2:00 PM Leaves house and stands near Mayor's Manor by the river.
6:30: PM Heads back home.


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and stands in the middle of his bedroom.
11:00 AM Leaves his bedroom and walks to JojaMart.
12:50 PM Arrives at JojaMart and starts work.
4:00 PM Finshes work at JojaMart and walks home.
6:00 PM Arrives in his bedroom and stands in front of his bookshelf.
9:30 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and stands in front of his dresser.
10:40 AM Plays guitar inside his bedroom.
1:40 PM Leaves his bedroom and walks to the bush southeast of Lewis' house.
3.00 PM Stands in front of the bush to the southeast of Lewis' house.
6:30 PM Starts walking home.
7.50 PM Arrives in his bedroom and stands in front of his desk.
9:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and plays guitar inside his bedroom.
11:00 AM Leaves his bedroom and skateboards outside of his house.
3:00 PM Walks to the Stardrop Saloon.
4.00 PM Arrives at the Stardrop Saloon and plays pool near the arcade.
9:20 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and walks home.
10.20 PM Arrives at home.

Regular Schedule

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
10:40 AM Plays guitar inside his bedroom.
1:40 PM Leaves the his bedroom walks into town and stands near Lewis's house by the river.
6:30 PM Returns home from town.
9:00 PM Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.

Rainy day (Option 1)

Time Location
9:00 AM Wakes up and stands in front of his dresser.
11:00 AM Leaves his bedroom and walks to the bridge near the Museum.
12:00 PM Arrives at the bridge near the Museum.
4:00 PM Leaves the bridge near the Museum and walks to the tree in front of Emily and Haley's house.
4.40 PM Arrives at the tree outside Emily and Haley's house and plays his handheld video game.
7.00 PM Walks home.
7:30 PM Arrives in his bedroom and stands in front of his bookshelf.
9:30 PM Goes to bed.
Summer.png Été

Regular Schedule

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
11:00 AM Plays guitar inside his bedroom.
1:40 PM Leaves his bedroom and walks to the beach by the firepit with his brother Vincent.
7:00 PM Returns home from the beach.
9:00 PM Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.

Monday, Wednesday

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up and stands in the middle of his bedroom.
11:00 AM Leaves his bedroom and walks to JojaMart.
12:50 PM Arrives at JojaMart and starts work.
4:00 PM Finshes work at JojaMart and walks home.
6:00 PM Arrives in his bedroom and stands in front of his bookshelf.
9:30 PM Goes to bed.

Birthday (JojaMart open or first day Joja is closed, And not Raining)

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
11:00 AM Leaves his bedroom and heads to JojaMart with his mother Jodi.
12:50 PM Arrives at JojaMart.
4:00 PM Leaves JojaMart and heads back home.
5:50 PM Arrives home, moves around his bedroom.
9:00 PM Goes to bed.

Birthday (JojaMart open, And Raining), Rainy Day

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
11:00 AM Starts playing his guitar in his room.
3.00 PM Leaves bedroom, stands in kitchen and plays his handheld video game.
5:00 PM Heads back to his bedroom, moves around.
8:00 PM Goes to bed.
Fall.png Automne

Regular Schedule

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
10:40 AM Plays guitar inside his bedroom.
1:20 PM Leaves the his bedroom walks to The Forest southwest of Leah's Cottage.
7:00 PM Returns home from The Forest.
9:00 PM Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.

Fall 11

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day inside his bedroom. "I gotta go visit Uncle Doctor today... Great."
11:30 AM Walks to the clinic for his annual checkup, plays his handheld video game in the waiting room.
1:30 PM Gets medical checkup at the clinic. "I'm a healthy boy, doc. Can I go now? This is boring."
4:00 PM Leaves the clinic to walk into town. "I just got out of the doctor's office. Completely healthy and vigorous, just as I expected."
9:00 PM Returns to his bedroom to go to bed.
Winter.png Hiver

Regular Schedule

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
10:40 AM Plays guitar inside his bedroom.
1:20 PM Leaves the his bedroom walks to the Stardrop Saloon.
7:00 PM Returns home from the Stardrop Saloon.
9:00 PM Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.

Day 9 & Day 23 (If less than 6 hearts with Penny)

Time Location
9:00 AM Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
11:00 AM Leaves the his bedroom walks into town.
4:00 PM Continues to walk around town, plays his handheld video game.
7:00 PM Returns home from town.
9:30 PM Goes into his bedroom to go to bed.

Raining - Random choice #1

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, stands in front of the dresser in his room.
11:00 AM Plays guitar inside his room.
3:00 PM Plays his handheld video game in the kitchen inside his house.
5:00 PM Returns to his bedroom. and stands in front of his dresser.
6:30 PM At his desk inside his bedroom.
8:00 PM Goes to go to bed.

Raining - Random choice #2

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, moves around his room.
11:00 AM Moves around inside his home.
2:00 PM Leaves the his bedroom walks to The Stardrop Saloon. "Nothing like an ice cold Joja Cola on a sopping wet day, huh? Just kidding. Hehehe."
7:40 PM Leaves The Stardrop Saloon and returns to his bedroom to go to bed.


Time Location
8:00 AM Wakes up for the day inside his bedroom and walks just outside to stand by the river in front of Haley and Emily's house.
11:00 AM Walks to a nearby bush and plays his handheld video game in town.
12:30 PM Leaves town, goes to his bedroom with Sebastian to practice guitar.
3:00 PM Hangs out in his room with Sebastian.
6:00 PM Leaves his home to walk to the river in front of his house with Sebastian.
7:40 PM Returns to his bedroom to go to bed.

Monday & Wednesday, Community Center Restored

Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day inside his bedroom.
11:00 AM Leaves the his bedroom walks to the Museum.
4:00 PM Leaves the Museum, and heads home.
6:00 PM Arrives home, stands in his bedroom in front of bookshelf.
9:30 PM In his bedroom in bed.


Time Location
10:00 AM Wakes up for the day, plays guitar inside his bedroom.
11:00 AM Leaves his bedroom and walks into town to go skateboarding.
3:00 PM Walks to The Stardrop Saloon to play pool near the arcade.
9:20 PM Leaves the Stardrop Saloon and walks home to his bedroom to go to bed.
Mermaid's Pendant.png Mariage
If the community center is restored, Sam doesn't leave The Farm except on Monday and Friday. On Saturday mornings he spends time doing skateboard tricks on the half-pipe behind the farmhouse.


Time Location
6:00 AM At home.
8:00 AM Leaves home and heads for Pelican Town.
9:30 AM Arrives at 1 Willow Lane and stands in the kitchen.
11:00 AM Moves to living room.
3:00 PM Leaves 1 Willow Lane to return home.
4:00 PM Arrives at the farmhouse.
10:00 PM Goes to bed.


Time Location
6:00 AM At home.
8:00 AM Leaves home and heads for Pelican Town.
9:30 AM Arrives at 1 Willow Lane and stands in the kitchen.
11:00 AM Leaves house.
11:50 AM Skateboarding south of the Stardrop Saloon, by the benches.
3:00 PM Heads into the Stardrop Saloon.
3:30 PM Playing pool in the Stardrop Saloon.
9:00 PM Leaves the Saloon to return home.
11:00 PM Arrives at the farmhouse.


Sam lives with his mother Jodi and younger brother Vincent. His mother spoils both of them, and claims that neither have ever had to do any chores. He is close to Vincent, and feels responsible for him in his dad's absence. In Spring, Year 2, Sam's father Kent returns and resides in the house with the rest of the family. After marriage, Sam will visit his family regularly to check up on them.

Sebastian and Abigail are his bandmates and close friends, and they often spend time together. When they are hanging out at The Stardrop Saloon, Sebastian is always seen beating Sam at pool, while Abigail watches from the couch. He is also friends with Penny, and will dance with her at the Flower Dance if neither is dancing with the player.


Article principal : Amitié
Voir aussi: Liste de tous les cadeaux

Vous pouvez donner à Sam jusqu'à deux cadeaux par semaine (plus un le jour de son anniversaire), ce qui augmentera ou réduira son amitié avec vous. Les cadeaux de son anniversaire (Summer.png 17 Été) auront un effet 8× et montreront un dialogue unique.
Pour les cadeaux adorés ou aimés, Sam dira

« « Un cadeau d’anniversaire ? C’est très gentil de ta part ! Je l’adore. »
« « Tu te souviens de la date de mon anniversaire ? Merci. C’est génial. »

Pour les cadeaux neutres, Sam dira

« « Oh, un cadeau d’anniversaire ! Merci. »

Pour les cadeaux non aimés ou détestés, Sam dira

« « Oh... c’est pour mon anniversaire ?... Merci. »


« « Ah oui ! C'est ce que je préfère par-dessus tout ! »
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Sam Happy.png
Cactus Fruit.png
Cactus Fruit Le fruit sucré d’un figuier de Barbarie. Foraging - The Desert
Maple Bar.png
Maple Bar C’est un beignet sucré avec un glaçage généreux d’érable. Cooking Maple Syrup.png Sirop d'érable (1)Sugar.png Sucre (1)Wheat Flour.png Farine de blé (1)
Pizza C'est populaire en toute saison. Cooking, The Stardrop Saloon Wheat Flour.png Farine de blé (1)Tomato.png Tomate (1)Cheese.png Fromage (1)
Tigerseye Une rayure d'or chatoyant donne à cette pierre précieuse un lustre chaleureux. Mining


« « Merci ! J’aime vraiment ça. »
Image Name Description Source
Sam Pleased.png
Joja Cola.png
Joja Cola Le produit phare de Joja Corporation. Fishing, JojaMart, Saloon Vending Machine, Trash Can

*Note that Dinosaur Eggs are considered Artifacts and not Eggs for gifting purposes.


« « Tu as fait ça pour moi ? Merci ! »
Image Name Description Source
Sam Neutral.png

N'aime pas

« « Mmm... c’est... intéressant. »
Image Name Description Source
Sam Concerned.png
Common Mushroom.png
Common Mushroom Avec un léger goût de noisette et une bonne texture. Foraging - Fall
Chanterelle Un champignon savoureux avec une odeur fruitée et une saveur légèrement poivrée. Foraging - Fall
Daffodil Une fleur de printemps traditionnelle qui fait un joli cadeau. Foraging - Spring
Dandelion Pas la plus jolie des fleurs. Ses feuilles en revanche, sont très bonnes en salade. Foraging - Spring
Hazelnut Cette noisette est énorme ! Foraging - Fall
Holly Ses feuilles et ses baies rouge vif en font une décoration d’hiver populaire. Foraging - Winter
Leek Un légume savoureux de la famille de l’oignon. Foraging - Spring
Morel Recherchée pour son goût de noisette unique. Foraging - Spring
Purple Mushroom.png
Purple Mushroom Un champignon rare trouvé au fond des grottes. Foraging - The Mines
Quartz Un cristal clair communément trouvé dans les grottes et les mines. Foraging - The Mines
Salmonberry Une baie printanière aux saveurs de la forêt. Foraging - Spring
Seaweed Peuvent être utilisées en cuisine. Fishing
Snow Yam.png
Snow Yam Cette petite patate douce se cachait sous la neige. Foraging - Winter
Wild Horseradish.png
Wild Horseradish Une racine piquante qu'on trouve au printemps. Foraging - Spring
Winter Root.png
Winter Root Tubercule riche en amidon. Foraging - Winter


« « Tu ne comprends vraiment pas, hein ? »
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Sam Annoyed.png
Coal Une roche combustible utile pour la fabrication et la fonte. Mining
Copper Bar.png
Copper Bar Lingot de cuivre pur. Furnace Coal.png Charbon (1)Copper Ore.png Minerai de cuivre (5)
Duck Mayonnaise.png
Duck Mayonnaise C’est une riche mayonnaise jaune. Mayonnaise Machine Duck Egg.png Oeuf de canard (1)
Gold Bar.png
Gold Bar Lingot d'or pur. Furnace Coal.png Charbon (1)Gold Ore.png Minerai d'or (5)
Gold Ore.png
Gold Ore Un minerai précieux qui peut être forgé en barre d'or. Mining
Iridium Bar.png
Iridium Bar Lingot d'iridium pur. Furnace Coal.png Charbon (1)Iridium Ore.png Minerai d'iridium (5)
Iridium Ore.png
Iridium Ore Un minerai exotique avec de nombreuses propriétés intéressantes. Peut être forgé en barre d'iridium. Mining
Iron Bar.png
Iron Bar Lingot de fer pur. Furnace Coal.png Charbon (1)Iron Ore.png Minerai de fer (5)
Mayonnaise Peut se tartiner. Mayonnaise Machine Egg.png Oeuf (1)
Pickles Un pot de cornichons maison. Preserves Jar Any Vegetable
Refined Quartz.png
Refined Quartz Une forme plus pure de quartz. Furnace Coal.png Charbon (1)Quartz.png Quartz (1)

Événements de coeur

Deux coeurs

Two Hearts.png

Enter Sam's house when he's there.

Sam and Sebastian are jamming out in Sam's room. Sam tells you he's trying to get a band together, but he's unsure what style of music to play. He asks what music you like.
  • "Cheerful pop music." (Aucun effet sur amitié.)
  • "Experimental noise rock." (Aucun effet sur amitié.)
  • "Hi-energy dance music." (Aucun effet sur amitié.)
  • "Honky-tonk country music." (Aucun effet sur amitié.)

No matter which style you pick, Sam says that's the style he's been thinking about for the band. He asks Sebastian if he's on board too. Sebastian agrees and Sam thanks you.

Trois coeurs

Three Hearts.png

In any season except winter, enter the beach on a sunny day between 7am and 3pm. This event only happens in Year 1.

Sam is watching his brother Vincent play in the sand. Sam says his dad used to take them to the beach on sunny days. Vincent asks if their father will come home. Sam says "Of course". Vincent mentions overhearing people talk about mass military casualties. Sam tells him not to believe them, and Vincent returns to playing. Sam feels bad for getting his brother's hopes up and asks for your opinion.
  • "It's best to be honest with kids." (Aucun effet sur amitié.) Sam questions your thoughts, but then agrees that kids have to learn about the world one way or another.
  • "You did the right thing. Kids should have hope." (Aucun effet sur amitié.) Sam agrees and says kids should hang on to their childhood as long as they can.

Sam tells you the band's coming together, and Sebastian really wanted Abigail to be the drummer "for some reason".

Quatre coeurs

Four Hearts.png

Enter Sam's house when he's there.

Sam is in the kitchen. He says hello. As he's getting you a snack, he drops an egg on the kitchen floor. His mom hears the commotion, walks into the kitchen, and becomes upset about the mess. Sam asks you to tell her what happened.
  • "Sam dropped the snack as he was handing it to me." (-10 amitié.)
  • "Sam handed me the snack and then I dropped it." (+50 amitié.) Sam agrees with you.
  • "Sam dropped it on purpose. He thought it would be funny." (-50 amitié.)

Jodi thanks you for being honest, and Sam insists he'll clean up the mess.

Six coeurs

Six Hearts.png

On any day when it's not raining, enter the town between noon and 4pm.

Sam is skateboarding and grinding on Emily and Haley's flower box. Lewis catches him and scolds him for it. Lewis asks for your opinion.
  • "You're right, sir. Sam should respect private property." (Aucun effet sur amitié.) Sam is unhappy, but obliges and says he'll just not skateboard ever again.
  • "Don't blame Sam. There's nowhere else to ride!" (Aucun effet sur amitié.) Sam seems happy and agrees. Mayor Lewis becomes frustrated and states that he thought you were more mature than that but afterwards apologizes to Sam and asks him to be more careful in the future.
  • "I'm staying out of this." (Aucun effet sur amitié.) Mayor Lewis says he doesn't want to see Sam doing it again, Sam agrees and the Mayor leaves. Then Sam turns to you and, with a smile, asks if you saw his rad trick.

Huit coeurs

Eight Hearts.png

Sam shows up at your doorstop between 6am and 8am. Only triggers if you've seen his two-heart event.

Sam invites you to see his band play in the city and asks to meet at the bus stop at 4pm. Enter the Bus Stop screen between 4PM and 7PM to meet Sam and the others, and watch them play. He thanks you for inspiring his band with the type of music they should play.
Sam's gig.gif

Dix coeurs

Ten Hearts.png

After receiving a letter from Sam, enter the town on a sunny day between 8pm and midnight.

You meet Sam outside his house. He says it's cold outside and sneaks you into his room to talk privately. As he admits he's falling for you, his mom knocks on the door. He has you hide in the bed. His mom comes in and asks why he's sweating and red in the face, and Sam says he's just been doing push ups. She wishes him good night and leaves.

You are presented with the option to:

  • Get out of the bed. (Aucun effet sur amitié.) (If you take this option, the game presents the following 2 more choices)
    • Move Closer. (Aucun effet sur amitié.) You return Sam's affections, and the two of you share a kiss.
    • Head for the window. (Aucun effet sur amitié.) You reject Sam's advances.
  • Stay put. (Aucun effet sur amitié.) Sam crawls into bed with you, kisses you, and says "I knew there was something special between us."

Événement de groupe à dix coeurs

Ten Hearts.png

Si le joueur n'est pas marié et a donné un bouquet à tous les célibataires masculins, monté son amitié avec eux à 10 coeurs, et vu toutes leurs cinématiques d'événement de 10 coeurs, alors entrer dans le Saloon du fruit étoilé activera une cinématique. Si Alex est le dernier célibataire avec lequel vous partagez un Événement des dix cœurs, l'Événement de groupe sera inévitable car il se déclenchera immédiatement après.

Si le joueur a une Patte de lapin dans son inventaire, la cinématique consiste en une partie amicale de billard.

Si le joueur n'en possède pas, tous les garçons expriment leur colère envers le fait que le joueur essaie de sortir avec tous les candidats en même temps. Quelque soit le choix de dialogue, tous les garçons décident d' "ignorer" le joueur pendant une semaine après l'événement. Ils répondront de manière énervée si le joueur essaie de leur parler, et ils refuseront les cadeaux. Après environ une semaine, tous les garçons pardonnent le joueur et tout revient à la normale.

Cet événement ne peut se produire qu'une fois par sauvegarde. Il ne se produit pas si vous êtes marié ou si vous avez offert un Pendentif de sirène ou un Bouquet fané à un des candidats.


Article principal : Mariage

Once married, Sam will move into the farmhouse. Like other marriage candidates, he will add his own room to the right of the bedroom. He'll also set up a half-pipe behind the farmhouse where he'll sometimes go to practice his skateboarding tricks.

On rainy days, Sam may offer you a gift that he found "rolling around in the back of a drawer": Cactus Fruit, Coconut, Earth Crystal, or Geode. On rainy nights, he may offer you Pizza. On nights when Sam stays inside the farmhouse all day, he may offer you instant Pancakes, explaining that he never learned to cook.


« « I'm trying to come up with a new song for my band, but I'm blanking..." ... "Hey... What do you think my new song should be about? »
Farming, mining and chopping wood. (+30 amitié.)
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
A city in the sea. (+30 amitié.)
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
Trains. (+30 amitié.)
"Hey, you know what? That sounds perfect. Thanks!"
Choose anything, it'll be terrible anyway. (-50 amitié.)
"Hey man... what the heck is your problem? Sorry I asked."




Sam's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Sam's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Sam timeline.png


  • Sam is allergic to pollen, which he mentions during the Egg Festival. He also mentions that his "nose is really happy" during summer due to the typically lower pollen count.
  • "Sam" is short for "Samson", which he reveals to the player once they have a good relationship with him. He also states that he doesn't want the player to tell anyone.
  • "Sam" is a unisex given name of Hebrew origin, meaning "God has heard". Other meanings are "Sun child" or "bright sun".
  • Sam's dialogue is less harsh than other NPCs when the player rummages through garbage cans. Instead of being disgusted, he just asks the player why they're searching through the trash. It still costs the player 25 friendship points, however.
  • On Sam's portraits, his undershirt is yellow, but in his sprite, it is red.
  • Sam's Old Guitar is a weapon in the game, but is currently unobtainable.
  • Sam used to live in Zuzu City. He recalls how bright and loud it is day and night, and how hot it is during summer.


  • 1.0 : Introduced.
  • 1.1 : Added skateboarding area behind farmhouse if married.
  • 1.3 : Added group 10-heart event.