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Révision datée du 30 juillet 2019 à 17:26 par Margotbean (discussion | contributions) (→‎N'aime pas : alphabetize)
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Anniversaire Fall.png 5 Automne
Vit à La plage
Adresse Cabane d’Elliott
Mariage Oui
Meilleurs cadeaux Crab Cakes.png Beignets de crabePomegranate.png GrenadeLobster.png HomardDuck Feather.png Plume de canardTom Kha Soup.png Soupe tom-kha
Robin building.png
« « J'ai encore beaucoup de travail à faire »
— Robine

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Dernière modification par Margotbean le 2019-07-30 17:26:34.

« « Elliott lives alone in a cabin on the beach. He is a writer who dreams of one day writing a magnificent novel. He is a sentimental “romantic” with a tendency to go off onto flowery, poetic tangents. When he can afford it, he enjoys a strong beverage at the Stardrop Saloon. Could a humble farmer such as yourself be the inspiration Elliott is looking for? There’s only one way to find out… »
Mise à jour du développeur # 12

Elliott is a villager who lives on the beach south of Pelican Town. He's one of the twelve characters available to marry.


Vous trouverez ci-dessous les horaires d'Elliott classés par ordre de priorité. Par exemple, s'il pleut, ce programme prévaut sur tous les autres.

Le 9 de l'été, il a rendez-vous à la clinique.

Spring.png Printemps


Heure Emplacement
All day Inside his house.


Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
11:30 Leaves home and heads to Pierre's General Store.
17:30 Leaves Pierre's and heads home.

Regular Schedule

Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
12:00 Leaves his cabin to stand on the beach south of his house.
13:30 Leaves the beach and returns to his cabin.
15:00 Leaves his cabin to stand on the bridge just north of the beach.
18:00 Leaves the bridge to return home for the night.
Summer.png Été

Tuesday the 9th

Heure Emplacement
10:30 Leaves his house and goes to the Clinic.
16:00 Leaves the clinic and returns home for the night.


Heure Emplacement
All day Inside his house.


Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
11:30 Leaves home and heads to Pierre's General Store.
17:30 Leaves Pierre's and heads home for the night.

Friday, Sunday

Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
12:00 Leaves his cabin to stand on the beach south of his house.
13:30 Leaves the beach and returns to his cabin.
15:00 Leaves his cabin to stand on the bridge just north of the beach.
18:00 Leaves the bridge to return home for the night.

Regular Schedule

Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
11:30 Leaves home, heads to the forest south of Leah's Cottage.
18:00 Leaves the forest to return home for the night.
Fall.png Automne


Heure Emplacement
All day Inside his house.


Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
11:30 Leaves home and heads to Pierre's General Store.
17:30 Leaves Pierre's and heads home for the night.

Friday, Sunday

Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
12:00 Leaves his cabin to stand on the beach south of his house.
13:30 Leaves the beach and returns to his cabin.
15:00 Leaves his cabin to stand on the bridge just north of the beach.
18:00 Leaves the bridge to return home for the night.

Regular Schedule

Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
11:30 Leaves home, heads to the Library.
17:30 Leaves the library to return home for the night.
Winter.png Hiver

Note that this is only possible by using a Rain Totem.

Heure Emplacement
All day Inside his house.

Wednesday the 17th

Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
11:30 Leaves home, heads to the Museum.
16:50 Leaves the library to attend the Night Market.
1:00 Leaves the Night Market and returns to his cabin.


Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
11:30 Leaves home and heads to Pierre's General Store.
17:30 Leaves Pierre's and heads home for the night.

Friday, Sunday

Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
12:00 Leaves his cabin to stand on the beach south of his house.
13:30 Leaves the beach and returns to his cabin.
15:00 Leaves his cabin to stand on the bridge just north of the beach.
18:00 Leaves the bridge to return home for the night.

Regular Schedule

Heure Emplacement
8:00 At home.
11:30 Leaves home, heads to the Library.
17:30 Leaves the library to return home for the night.
Mermaid's Pendant.png Mariage


Heure Emplacement
8:30 Leaves the Farmhouse and heads to the beach.
17:00 Leaves the beach and heads home to the farm.


Elliott lives alone in a cabin on the beach near Willy's Fish Shop. He is friends with Willy and Leah.


Article principal : Amitié
Voir aussi: Liste de tous les cadeaux

Vous pouvez donner à Elliott jusqu'à deux cadeaux par semaine (plus un le jour de son anniversaire), ce qui augmentera ou réduira son amitié avec vous. Les cadeaux de son anniversaire (Fall.png 5 Automne) auront un effet 8× et montreront un dialogue unique.
Pour les cadeaux adorés ou aimés, Elliott dira

« « Un cadeau d’anniversaire ? C’est très gentil de ta part ! Je l’adore. »
« « Tu te souviens de la date de mon anniversaire ? Merci. C’est génial. »

Pour les cadeaux neutres, Elliott dira

« « Oh, un cadeau d’anniversaire ! Merci. »

Pour les cadeaux non aimés ou détestés, Elliott dira

« « Oh... c’est pour mon anniversaire ?... Merci. »


« « (Nom), c’est un beau cadeau ! Merci ! »
Image Name Description Source Ingredients
Elliott Happy.png
Crab Cakes.png
Beignets de crabe Chapelure, crabe et oeuf mélangés en forme de boulettes et frits pour leur donner une couleur dorée. Cuisine Crab.png Crabe (1)Wheat Flour.png Farine de blé (1)Egg.png Oeuf (1)Oil.png Huile (1)
Pomegranate.png Grenade Le fruit renferme des amas de graines juteuses. Grenadier
Homard Un grand crustacé océanique avec une queue puissante. Casier à crabes
Duck Feather.png
Plume de canard C’est si coloré. Canards
Tom Kha Soup.png
Soupe tom-kha Ces saveurs sont incroyables ! Cuisine Coconut.png Noix de coco (1)Shrimp.png Crevette (1)Common Mushroom.png Champignon commun (1)


« « C’est pour moi ? Merveilleux ! »
Image Nom Description Source
Elliott Happy.png
Calmar Une créature des profondeurs marines pouvant atteindre une taille énorme. Pêche
Poulpe Une créature mystérieuse et intelligente. Pêche


« « Oh, un cadeau ! Merci ! »
Image Nom Description Source
Elliott Neutral.png

*Notez que les oeufs de dinosaure sont des artefacts et non des oeufs lorsque vous les offrez en cadeau.

N'aime pas

« « Mmm... Je ne suis pas très fan. »
Image Nom Description Source Ingrédients
Elliott Concerned.png
Common Mushroom.png
Champignon commun Avec un léger goût de noisette et une bonne texture. Cueillette - Automne
Purple Mushroom.png
Champignon violet Un champignon rare trouvé au fond des grottes. Cueillette - Les Mines
Chanterelle Un champignon savoureux avec une odeur fruitée et une saveur légèrement poivrée. Cueillette - Automne
Houx Ses feuilles et ses baies rouge vif en font une décoration d’hiver populaire. Cueillette - Hiver
Snow Yam.png
Igname des neiges Cette petite patate douce se cachait sous la neige. Cueillette - Hiver
Jonquille Une fleur de printemps traditionnelle qui fait un joli cadeau. Cueillette - Printemps
Morille Recherchée pour son goût de noisette unique. Cueillette - Printemps
Noisette Cette noisette est énorme ! Cueillette - Automne
Pissenlit Pas la plus jolie des fleurs. Ses feuilles en revanche, sont très bonnes en salade. Cueillette - Printemps
Pizza C'est populaire en toute saison. Cuisine, Saloon du fruit étoilé Wheat Flour.png Farine de blé (1)Tomato.png Tomate (1)Cheese.png Fromage (1)
Poireau Un légume savoureux de la famille de l’oignon. Cueillette - Printemps
Winter Root.png
Racine d'hiver Tubercule riche en amidon. Cueillette - Hiver
Wild Horseradish.png
Raifort sauvage Une racine piquante qu'on trouve au printemps. Cueillette - Printemps


« « Cet objet me met mal à l'aise. Je vais devoir m’en débarrasser. »
Image Nom Description Source
Elliott Annoyed.png
Amarante Plante violette cultivée par une civilisation antique. Récoltes - Automne
Quartz Un cristal clair communément trouvé dans les grottes et les mines. Cueillette - Les Mines
Baie de saumon Une baie printanière aux saveurs de la forêt. Cueillette - Printemps
Sea Cucumber.png
Concombre de mer Une créature glissante et visqueuse qu'on trouve dans les fonds marins. Pêche

Événements de coeur

Deux coeurs

Two Hearts.png

Enter Elliott's cabin when he's there.

Elliott will greet you, and explain that he came to Pelican Town to become a writer but no one from his hometown believed he could make it. He asks what kind of novels you like. You can choose mystery, romance, or sci-fi; any choice gives you +30 friendship points. He says he'll remember your choice, then asks you to look at his rose because he thinks it may be wilting.

Quatre coeurs

Four Hearts.png

Enter the Stardrop Saloon between 3pm and 10pm when Gus is there.

Gus says he'll take your order in a moment. Before he gets to you, Elliott walks into the building and says it's a pleasant surprise to find you here. He says that he's stopping in to relax after eight hours of writing. He orders two ales, one for you and one for him. He orders wine for you if your character is female.

You stop him before he can drink and propose a toast. You can choose from four different toasts:

  • "To Pelican Town!" (+25 amitié.) "Ah, to a harmonious future for the community... what a virtuous idea. Here's to Pelican Town!"
  • "To our friendship!" (+50 amitié.) "That's a great idea! Here's to us!"
  • "To my good health!" (-10 amitié.) "Well... okay."
  • "To your doom!" (-50 amitié.) "Hmph. Forget it."

You both drink and he starts dancing where he is. Then the cutscene ends, and other various decors outside the door of the Stardrop Saloon with a tipsy effect.

Six coeurs

Six Hearts.png

Enter Elliot's home when he's there.

Elliot is playing the piano. After he finishes, you can say either "That was wonderful" or "How long have you been playing?" (neither affects friendship). Elliott starts talking about how hard his life is right now and wishes he could just be a farmer like you. You can say either "It's just as hard to be a farmer, you know" or "Come live on the farm, I could use the extra help" (neither affects friendship). If you tell him to join you, he's very surprised and thanks you for the offer, but says he can't because his novel is almost complete.


Huit coeurs

Eight Hearts.png

After receiving a letter from Elliott, visit the museum between 1pm and 7pm. (It doesn't need to be the same day.)

Elliott sends you a letter inviting you to a reading of his finished novel at the library that afternoon.

When you enter the museum, you find many villagers have gathered to listen to Elliott's first book reading. Elliott expresses his delight at your coming to listen. He reads from his novel. Depending on your choice in his first heart event, you'll get one of these stories:

  • The mystery novel Blue Tower. "It's a mystery novel set in a surreal, dystopian future. Chapter One. From the shadows emerged a man, radiating with enigmatic omniscience. 'Good Evening, Mr. Lu,' he said, the corners of his mouth quivering. Lu seemed astonished. 'How did you know my name?'" (Fade.) "Lu checked Jenu's pockets, then stood up and walked into the bedroom. He quickly found the small golden key that he was looking for and slipped it into his coat pocket."
  • The romance novel Camellia Station. "It's a romance novel about a train stewardess who falls in love with a traveling architect... Chapter One. 'Your ticket, sir?' Ticket collector Gozman extended a gloved hand towards the young commuter. 'Ah, yes. I have it right here,' he replied, reaching into his coat pocket. Mortified, he discovered that the ticket was missing." (Fade.) "...'Clara, there's something I must tell you,' he blurted as she turned to leave. Clara turned, slowly, and saw the look of desperation in Horatio's eye. At that moment Gozman burst into the compartment, red-faced."
  • The sci-fi novel The Rise And Fall Of Planet Yazzo. "It's a sci-fi epic spanning thousands of years in an exotic planetary system. Chapter One. Commander Yutkin stepped through the golden archway as the airlock snapped shut behind him. Today was his first day on Planet Yazzo, and all 14 of the alliance delegates had been summoned to the Grand Spire..." (Fade.) "...And as the 7th moon descended beneath the horizon, the planet of Yazzo would begin its sinister transformation... an event for which Commander Yutkin was completely unprepared."

Elliott thanks everyone for coming, then walks up to you and asks how you think it went. He says he's glad that you liked it, because he dedicated it to you and he based it on your favorite genre.

Elliot Eight Heart Event.jpg

Dix coeurs

Ten Hearts.png

Go to the beach on a day when it is not raining between 7am and 1pm. A letter will be sent to you but it is not needed to trigger the event.

Elliott writes you a letter saying he has an idea. You join him on the docks. Elliott had fixed the row boat that's been on the docks, and he wonders if you want to go with him on a "maiden voyage."
  • If you accept, Elliott talks about his novel and how he couldn't have done it without you. Then he's at a loss for words to explain how he feels about you. Suddenly, he kisses you! You begin trembling. You can choose to respond with "I'm happy" or "You're making me very uncomfortable. Stop." (Telling him you're uncomfortable incurs a minor friendship penalty. It's less than 1 heart and may drop you from 10 back to 9 hearts). You both head back to shore, and Elliott comments on how the valley finally looks like home.
  • If you refuse, Elliott says "I see" and the event ends.

Événement de groupe à dix coeurs

Ten Hearts.png

Si le joueur n'est pas marié et a donné un bouquet à tous les célibataires masculins, monté son amitié avec eux à 10 coeurs, et vu toutes leurs cinématiques d'événement de 10 coeurs, alors entrer dans le Saloon du fruit étoilé activera une cinématique. Si Alex est le dernier célibataire avec lequel vous partagez un Événement des dix cœurs, l'Événement de groupe sera inévitable car il se déclenchera immédiatement après.

Si le joueur a une Patte de lapin dans son inventaire, la cinématique consiste en une partie amicale de billard.

Si le joueur n'en possède pas, tous les garçons expriment leur colère envers le fait que le joueur essaie de sortir avec tous les candidats en même temps. Quelque soit le choix de dialogue, tous les garçons décident d' "ignorer" le joueur pendant une semaine après l'événement. Ils répondront de manière énervée si le joueur essaie de leur parler, et ils refuseront les cadeaux. Après environ une semaine, tous les garçons pardonnent le joueur et tout revient à la normale.

Cet événement ne peut se produire qu'une fois par sauvegarde. Il ne se produit pas si vous êtes marié ou si vous avez offert un Pendentif de sirène ou un Bouquet fané à un des candidats.


Article principal : Mariage

Once married, Elliott will move into the farmhouse. Like other marriage candidates, he will add his own room to the right of the bedroom. He'll also set up a small garden behind the farmhouse where he'll sometimes go to read.

On rainy mornings and mornings when Elliott stays inside the farmhouse all day, he may offer you Coffee. On rainy nights, he may offer you dinner: Baked Fish, Fried Calamari, Chowder, or Fish Stew. On New Years' Eve (Winter 28), he'll give you a bottle of Wine.




Elliott's look evolved over the years the game was in development. Here's a timeline showing how ConcernedApe's art and Elliott's style changed over the years before the game was launched.

Elliott Timeline.png


In Elliott's shack on the beach, there is a framed picture of a green cube. This may be a reference to an object in Starbound called a "Perfectly Generic Item", which is, itself, a reference to Homestuck.


  • 1.0 : Introduced.
  • 1.1 : Added reading garden area behind farmhouse if married.
  • 1.3 : Added group 10-heart event.