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Anniversaire Winter.png Hiver 7
Vit à Pélican Ville
Adresse Magasin général de Pierre

Pierre Icon.png Pierre (mari)

Abigail Icon.png Abigail (fille)

Mariage Non
Meilleurs cadeaux Summer Spangle.png Fleur tropicale d'étéFish Taco.png Tacos de poisson
« « Mon mari dirige le magasin général ici. As-tu déjà rencontré ma fille, Abigail ? C'est la fille pâle aux cheveux violets. »
— Caroline

Caroline est une villageoise qui vit à Pélican Ville.


Le jour 25 de l'Automne, elle a rendez-vous à la Clinique d’Harvey.

Robin building.png
« « J'ai encore beaucoup de travail à faire »
— Robine

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Dernière modification par Margotbean le 2019-07-30 20:22:21.

Spring.png Printemps

Monday, Thursday

Time Location
8:00 Standing in her room
12:30 Shopping in the second isle of the store.
13:30 Leaves store.
14:00 In the town square talking to Jodi
16:00 Returns home
16:30 Walking around living room
21:00 Goes to bed


Time Location
9:00 Meeting room
13:00 Aerobics class begins in meeting room
16:00 Aerobics class ends
18:00 Kitchen
21:00 Building closed


Time Location
12:30 Leaves house and heads towards the fountain, west of the Community Center


Time Location
9:00 Standing in kitchen.
12:00 Leaves kitchen for the Museum.
14:10 Arrives at Museum to read a book.
17:00 Leaves Museum to head home.
18:30 Stands in living room just below fireplace.
21:00 Heads to bed.


Time Location
10:00 In her kitchen.


Time Location
16:20 Heads to tree in park in front of Community Center
18:30 Heads home
Summer.png Été


Time Location
14:00 Standing in town square with Jodi


Time Location
9:00 Standing in living room at home
13:00 Aerobics class with other women at her house
18:30 Standing in kitchen at home


Time Location
13:30 Standing at the fountain, west of the Community Center
17:00 Leaves the fountain and heads home


Time Location
13:30 Leaves home and heads to town square


Time Location
12:40 Leaves home to head to Museum.
13:40 At Museum to read a book
17:00 Leaves Museum to head home


Time Location
14:50 Standing at town square
15:50 Leaves town square and heads home
18:30 Walks around in living room, pausing occasionally
21:00 Leaves living room and heads to bedroom
21:20 Goes to bed and is joined in bedroom by Pierre


Time Location
19:00 Standing in her bedroom


Time Location
11:30 Standing in kitchen at home
Fall.png Automne


Time Location
14:30 Exercises in living room
18:00 Goes to bedroom
19:50 Already in the kitchen with Pierre


Time Location
12:30 Leaves house and heads towards the fountain, west of the Community Center
15:00 Standing by the fountain, west of the Community Center.
17:00 Leaves the fountain, and heads home.


Time Location
12:30 Looking at products on shelf in the store
14:00 Talking with Jodi in town square


Time Location
9:00 At home
12:00 Leaves home and heads towards the Museum
17:45 Leaves Museum
19:00 Reaches home and stays in the hall


Time Location
9:00 If the community center is repaired, she will be in the main room with Jodi.
16:30 Arrives home


Time Location
13:30 Leaves room and moves to shop.
15:00 Leaves home and heads to tree south of the Community Center
18:30 Leaves the tree south of the Community Center and heads home
19:20 Returns to her room.


Time Location
16:00 Goes to her living room
Winter.png Hiver


Time Location
14:00 Standing in town square


Time Location
9:00 Meeting room
13:00 Aerobics class begins in store
16:00 Aerobics ends
18:00 Kitchen
21:00 Building closed


Time Location
13:30 Arrive at fountain west of the Community Center
17:00 Leaves the fountain and heads home


Time Location
10:40 Standing in kitchen
13:30 Leaves home and heads for the town square
16:00 Leaves town square and heads home
16:40 Stands in living room


Time Location
14:00 Arrive at Museum to read a book
17:00 Leaves Museum and heads home
19:00 Stands in living room


Time Location
16:00 Leaves the town square and heads home


Time Location
9:00 Stands in her bedroom at home
13:30 Leaves room and shops in the store
14:30 Leaves home and heads to the front of the Community Center
18:30 Leaves the front of the Community Center and heads home
21:00 Goes to bed.


Time Location
9:00 Stands in bedroom
11:00 Stands by bedroom bookcase with Abigail
13:30 Leaves room and shops at the store
14:30 Leaves store and heads towards the big tree in front of Community Center
18:30 Leaves the front of the Community Center and heads home
19:00 Stands in bedroom
21:00 Goes to bed


Caroline is married to Pierre and they live with their daughter Abigail in Pierre's General Store.

Jodi mentions that Caroline is her best friend, and that she is able to tell her anything. The two also attend exercise classes along with some other ladies of Pelican Town, such as Marnie, Emily and Robine.


Article principal: Amitié
Voir aussi: Liste de tous les cadeaux

Vous pouvez donner à Caroline jusqu'à deux cadeaux par semaine (plus un le jour de son anniversaire), ce qui augmentera ou réduira son amitié avec vous. Les cadeaux de son anniversaire (Winter.png 7 Hiver) auront un effet 8× et montreront un dialogue unique.
Pour les cadeaux adorés ou aimés, Caroline dira

« « Un cadeau d’anniversaire ? C’est très gentil de ta part ! Je l’adore. »
« « Tu te souviens de la date de mon anniversaire ? Merci. C’est génial. »

Pour les cadeaux neutres, Caroline dira

« « Oh, un cadeau d’anniversaire ! Merci. »

Pour les cadeaux non aimés ou détestés, Caroline dira

« « Oh... c’est pour mon anniversaire ?... Merci. »


« « C’est pour moi... vraiment ? Je suis sans voix. »
Image Nom Description Source Ingrédients
Caroline Happy.png
Summer Spangle.png
Fleur tropicale d'été Une fleur tropicale qui se développe dans l’air humide de l’été. Dégage un arôme sucré et acidulé. Agriculture - Été
Fish Taco.png
Tacos de poisson Ça sent délicieusement bon. Cuisine Tuna.png Thon (1)Tortilla.png Tortilla (1)Red Cabbage.png Chou rouge (1)Mayonnaise.png Mayonnaise (1)


« « Oh, mon Dieu ! Vraiment ? »
Image Nom Description Source
Jonquille Une fleur de printemps traditionnelle qui fait un joli cadeau. Cueillette - Printemps


« « Oh, c’est gentil. Je te remercie. »
Image Nom Description Source
Caroline Neutral.png

*Notez que les oeufs de dinosaure sont des artefacts et non des oeufs lorsque vous les offrez en cadeau.

N'aime pas

« « Non, non, non... »
Image Nom Description Source
Caroline Concerned.png
Amarante Plante violette cultivée par une civilisation antique. Agriculture - Automne
Common Mushroom.png
Champignon commun Avec un léger goût de noisette et une bonne texture. Cueillette - Automne
Purple Mushroom.png
Champignon violet Un champignon rare trouvé au fond des grottes. Cueillette - Les Mines
Chanterelle Un champignon savoureux avec une odeur fruitée et une saveur légèrement poivrée. Cueillette - Automne
Houx Ses feuilles et ses baies rouge vif en font une décoration d’hiver populaire. Cueillette - Hiver
Snow Yam.png
Igname des neiges Cette petite patate douce se cachait sous la neige. Cueillette - Hiver
Mayonnaise Peut se tartiner. Machine à mayonnaise
Duck Mayonnaise.png
Mayonnaise de canard C’est une riche mayonnaise jaune. Machine à mayonnaise
Morille Recherchée pour son goût de noisette unique. Cueillette - Printemps
Noisette Cette noisette est énorme ! Cueillette - Automne
Pissenlit Pas la plus jolie des fleurs. Ses feuilles en revanche, sont très bonnes en salade. Cueillette - Printemps
Poireau Un légume savoureux de la famille de l’oignon. Cueillette - Printemps
Winter Root.png
Racine d'hiver Tubercule riche en amidon. Cueillette - Hiver
Wild Horseradish.png
Raifort sauvage Une racine piquante qu'on trouve au printemps. Cueillette - Printemps


« « C’est absolument dégoutant. Je suis offensée. »
Image Nom Description Source
Caroline Concerned.png
Baie de saumon Une baie printanière aux saveurs de la forêt. Cueillette - Printemps
Quartz Un cristal clair communément trouvé dans les grottes et les mines. Cueillette - Les Mines

Événements de coeur

N'importe quand

At any friendship level greater than zero friendship points, you may receive a gift in the mail from Caroline. The chance of receiving a gift in the mail increases as your friendship with Caroline increases.

Item Description
Cauliflower.png Chou-fleurParsnip.png PanaisPotato.png Pomme de terre Dear (Name),

Here's a vegetable from the little garden I keep out back. You probably have more veggies than you know what to do with, but oh well.


Trois coeurs

Three Hearts.png

Caroline sends you a recipe in the mail.

Recipe Description
Parsnip Soup.png Soupe de panais Nothing is more satisfying than cooking with fresh vegetables from your own garden! I've enclosed a recipe to help you out. Take care, -Caroline

Six coeurs

Six Hearts.png

Enter Pierre's General Store when Caroline and Abigail are there.

As you enter the store, you hear an argument between Caroline and Abigail in the kitchen.
  • Abigail: "Stop telling me how to live my life!"
  • Caroline: "Hey, cut it out! We're letting you live here free of charge until you finish school. It seems like you don't appreciate that at all!"
  • Abigail: "Stop trying to make me feel guilty. I appreciate that you and Dad are helping me out, but expecting me to dress the way you want is ridiculous. I'm not a little girl anymore, Mom."
  • Caroline: (pause) "...You're right. I'm sorry."

Abigail turns towards the door where you're hiding, and asks if someone is there. You run away, and Abigail swears the house is haunted. Abigail comes out, and says "Urgghh... Sorry... I was fighting with my Mom earlier."

Sept coeurs

Seven Hearts.png

Caroline sends you a recipe in the mail.

Note that the recipe is called Vegetable Stew in the letter, but cooking the recipe creates Vegetable Medley.
Recipe Description
Vegetable Medley.png Vegetable Stew Nothing is more satisfying than cooking with fresh vegetables from your own garden! I've enclosed a recipe to help you out. Take care,




  • Caroline will send you a recipe for Parsnip Soup, which is ironically one of her husband's hated gifts.
  • Despite disliking Mayonnaise, Fish Taco is a loved gift.


  • 1.0 : Introduced.